Tanzania 🇹🇿 Safari & Trip Review

From the moment we landed, we knew this trip was going to be like no other.

Reason being? Nearly had a head on crash that ended us all.

Why? The roads are very dark and narrow with slow moving vehicles so everyone passes each other on the same two lanes.

This is when you have to trust the process.

And if your thinking you should fly or helicopter into where the safari starts, you can’t. There is only one helicopter that is allowed in Tanzania which is the President’s. The reason being is because the animals don’t like the noise.

One thing you learn real quick, everything revolves the animals here as this is why everyone comes. And the safari does not disappoint.

From the animals especially; lions, zebras, giraffes, cheetahs, but everything else was incredible as well. The people are amazing and hospitality at everywhere we stayed.

The food was endless. At the villas you get a four course meal and on the safari, the guide comes well prepared with good food and drinks.

One thing I will say, you can’t come prepared with enough bug spray. This is if you are staying in a tent which we did for two nights. The other two places were enclosed so this was not a problem at all. Not that it was a huge issue though because we sprayed a lot but the netting will only do so much.

Although I have a million pictures and videos, here are three below. In the first picture, we were parked beside some giraffes, and the last two pictures have hippos in them.




As a side note, we learnt that there are still tribes that drink out of this water you see hippos are living in. Even if you brought them a bottle a water, our safari guide said they would not drink it because it is not their tradition.

Back to the trip.

After arriving at our first villa for the night (safe and sound), we had a bite to eat and went to bed. By this time it was late and had a long trip so far.

We took off from Edmonton, connected in Toronto and Amsterdam, so by the time we landed in Tanzania and got to our first stay we were two full days into the trip.

The next morning we got up early and headed to the first spot out of three for the safari. This was about 5 hours away and surprisingly fun as this is the first time you are seeing Tanzania in the day light. So much to see and learn from our driver on the way. (The roads were safe from here on out 🙌)

Now for the rest of the story, you are going to have to see for yourself…. ciao!


- Reid

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