Contact Us

Contact Xtravelgant and experience a trip like never before!

Contact form


How long does it take you to respond?

Monday-Friday we will respond within 48 hours.

Do you sell travel insurance?

Yes, we can do that for you and make the whole process seamless.

How long does it take to book a trip?

This depends on your requirements, and the length of your trip. This process usually takes 2-4 weeks and is ultimately done when you are happy.

How much is your fee?

We charge a minimum $1,000 per week. This includes flight reservations, hotel bookings, activities, dinner reservations and more. Please contact us for more details.

What can you expect when booking a trip?

Our process begins with a 30 minute discovery call. During the discovery call we will review your budget and must-haves. From there we will begin setting up your itinerary and continue to be in contact with you to adjust accordingly.

Why Xtravelgant?

We are a brother and sister team that have had the privilege of travelling the world. Between the both us we have visited over 20 countries combined, from backpacking to staying at the most luxurious hotel in the world. At this time we are only taking on travellers staying at 4 star hotels and above.